
St Regis Bridal Show 2014 – Manhattan Paradise

Hannah’s Conceptualising Moment : “St Regis is one of the few hotels that I really fall in love with. I love the reflective walls, and especially the skylights of John Jacob Ballroom that somehow bestows a spectacular sense of grandeur into that venue. Whenever we design a wedding sets in the ballroom, the wedding will always look magnified and magical bcos of the reflective walls.
But what truly stands out as a great experience in planning a wedding in St Regis, is the complete sincerity and willingness demonstrated by the staff to support us and our couples to make the wedding a memorable experience. Be it the sales & marketing team, the banquet team, the bar tender, the bell captain even right to electrician, I feel at home whenever I am in St Regis. That is what truly matters. And I don’t say that to many hotels, this is one hotel I will consider when I have my own wedding one day.  And bcos of the relationship we have with the team, every event becomes spectacular.

This bespoke wedding show – Storied Love Affair, was one great illustration of the combination of great partnership with committed and creative team. It was a wedding show that I have no issues to be one of the hosts, bcos it was very easy to say truthfully what I really feel about a place. So here is a recap of what we have created for our couples.
And the final conclusion after the show : Our couples came back sharing with us : how they felt how refreshing the show was vs what they have seen, they are equipped with with in depth understanding how our partners work, but most importantly, St Regis met above their sales targets even with such a small intimate crowd.
That proves to us one very truth : when a team is focused and only envisioned the best for everyone including how we want to benefit our couples, we reap the rewards that go beyond our imaginations.”